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Pokemon Episode 389 - Date Expectations (Advanced Battle)

Pokemon Episode 389 - Date Expectations

Advanced Battle

EP# English title
Japanese title
Air Date
J# E# Japan
United States

390 387 "Date Expectations" (Rollout! Loving Donfan!)
"Korogare! Koi Suru Donfan!" (ころがれ!恋するドンファン!)
February 10, 2005 April 1, 2006
A group of Donphan attempt to impress a shiny, female Donphan. (Or) On their way to Pacifidlog Town, the boat Ash and friends are riding breaks down, forcing them to make a pit stop on Donto Island. It is currently the Donphan mating season, which they get caught up in the middle of and end up being separated from each other. May now has to make the ultimate decision: stay and find Max and miss the final contest before the Grand Festival, or leave alone for Pacifidlog Island trusting that Ash will find Max and come to the Contest the next morning.
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